Lucio Mansilla-- Una excursión a los indios Ranqueles... lead me on a journey to the
tierra adentro...the interior... of the Native Indian's land...this reading left me
pondering about my own inter-self. The quote on the piece struck me the most...I
could truly resonate with that instinctual, gut...or call it soul...feeling...
intuition? I seem to encounter this feeling almost everyday...sometimes listening to my internal
self...other times ignoring that gut-feeling and later finding myself laughing on how wrong my
mind was. In this piece I had no plan and solely went on my intuition...with key images
of the reading fresh in my mind...released this latest piece.
This is a good drawing, Natasha--affecting in ways I'd have a hard time explaining. As I said the other evening, it has to do with way the figure and the surroundings are merged---you followed a good set of hunches (or maybe a good set of criollo horses?)